Sunday 14 October 2012

And so it begins...

As a near-constant pipeline dreamer, I have thought, pondered, wondered and procrastinated over this blog for many months now. What's my aim? What do I want to say? Why?

Well, now is the time and here are the answers.

I love food. I'm always thinking about what my next meal will be, when it will be, how healthy it will be (or not). If I'm not thinking about it, I'm making it...or eating it! My husband laughs (and growls) at the volume of various tupperware containers I bring home from an average day in the office, with the food remnants he has to wash up!

As well as the beautiful and vast variety of tastes, smells and colours that food brings, it can be teaming with life: toxin-fighting vitamins, energy, minerals and tasty goodness that keeps the blood pumping through our veins. On the other hand, we could be eating heavily processed 'foods' that have been through so much manufacturing, with lots of horrible man-made chemicals added, that they could be doing the opposite!

I wholeheartedly believe that what we put inside our bodies directly affects what we will get out of them. Our health and well being really is impacted by our diets - positively or negatively - so why not give it a few more minutes thought each day?

My aim for this blog is to share with you the knowledge, musings, tips, ideas, discoveries and pitfalls that I've acquired so far in life, in the world of food, health and nutrition.

I hope you enjoy much as I enjoy food!


  1. I love you sweetheart ~ have fun spreading your passion

    (...just, take it easy on sugar and alcohol, won't you...? they've been good friends down the years)

  2. Look at you Lovie! Way to go! Can't wait for the next one!

  3. You did it!!!! You have a way with food and words. I look forward to reading your posts and trying out your recipes and tips.
